Channel: Music Nepal Movies
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: moviefull movie elaanelaanelaan nepali moviefull nepali movie 2021alaannew nepali movie elaanbest nepali moviefull moviesnepali movie elaannepali movie 2021music nepalnew movie elaannew movieelaan movienew nepali movie 2021new nepali movieelaan full moviefull movie 2021elaan (shoot out)jay kishan basnet movienepali moviejay kishan basnetseema kcalannepali full movie 2021new nepali full movienepali full movie
Description: New Nepali Full Movie " Elaan (Shoot Out)" only on Music Nepal Movies official YouTube channel. Unauthorized downloading and duplicating on YouTube channel may lead to claim/strike by YouTube. The right for this video is provided by OSR Digital Pvt. Ltd. ➤Nepali Movie - Elaan (Shoot Out) ➤Cast:Jay Kishan Basnet, Seema KC, Dhurba Koirala, Adatya Shrestha, Sagun Shrestha, Hari Karki, Subas Karki & Birendra Yadav ➤Music: Om Prakash Rai ➤Writer: D.K.Sharma ➤Executive Producer: Mina Khadka ➤Cinematography: Binod Sapkota ➤Story: Seema K.C ➤Action: Babu Balami ➤Director: B.S. Balami ➤Producers: Mina Khadka #Musicnepalmovies #Nepalimovies #Elaan All Rights Reserved. Business Enquiry - ➥Subscribe to Music Nepal Movies Channel for unlimited Nepali entertainment and don't forget to click the BELL icon to get all the notifications of all the uploads. ➥Subscribe to Music Nepal Channel - ➥CALENDAR PARTNER Hamro Patro - 🙏🏼 Download our Apps 👇🏼 ➥ Geet App – (FOR NCELL USERS ONLY) ➥ MOMO (More Music More Movies) – 🎧Listen Live! Music City Online Radio - ➥Spotify - ➥Visit us - ➥Like us on Facebook - ➥Follow us on Twitter - ➥Follow us on Instagram - A World of Nepali Music & Entertainment Keep Loving Nepali Music and Movies!!!!